Sunday, May 16, 2010


If we want a good change for our earth, we must never stop thinking about tomorrow..
How to change our world to a better place..

On June 22, 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland , Ohio, caught in fire, apparently after sparks from a train ignited a surface oil slick. No one was injured and the blaze cause only about $50.000 worth of property damage. Still, the fire had a huge impact as it began focusing attention on environmental issue in the United states. Three years later, the Clean Water Act was enacted, and in time, other aggressive steps were taken to improve the quality of the country's air and water. and it's worked. Today, people fish and canoe on big stretches of the Cuyahoga River.

Unfortunately, there's still plenty of clean up work to be done. Again, the greenhouses gases are a major culprit. In 2004, per capita carbon dioxide emissions were nearly five times the worldwide per capita figure. and it's a trend headed in the wrong direction: Total carbon dioxide emissions grew by 22 per cent between 1990 and 2005.


To fight air pollution, the United States Congress boosted the average fuel economy standard for passenger cars from 18 mpg to 27.5 mpg between 1978 and 1985. It hasn't risen since. That's likely to change, but the US government should do more to improve energy efficiency, such as offering greater incentives for owners of alternative-fuel vehicles.

Being Green


Even the cleanest countries have serious environmental problems. For now Finland wins high mark for air and water quality, a low incidence of infant disease, and how well it protects citizens from water pollution and natural disasters. but the country also produces an above-average amount of greenhouses gases, has a large ecological footprint (the mass of land and water needed to sustain the national level of consumption) and contributes significantly to its region's environmental woes..

The reason is....
Finland has the highest industrial energy consumption rate of all five Nordic countries, due largely to its reliance on fuel intensive forestry and quarry industries.
colder winter and lower rainfall in recent years have also had an impact, forcing cuts in the productions of hydroelectricity and boosting - by 15 percent since 2005 - the national appetite for fossil fuels, a major source of greenhouses gases..


To get greener, countries must do more to capitalized on national strengths. Finland, among the world's largest exporters of wind power technology, produces less than one percent of its own electricity via wind power despite average coastal wind speeds of 24 km/hour, this 50 percent stronger than those in the "Wind City" Chicago...

Source: Reader Digest November 2007

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First way to life go green....

First way to life go green....


The first way to life go green is save the energy...
Save energy is not a difficult thing to do...

You can start save the energy from the smallest thing..
Like turn off your light when it didn't use...
If your office or classroom does not have a motion sensor,..
Turn the lights off when leaving the room.

Turn off your TV, radio, or the other electronic stuffs...

Another way is wash clothes in cold water whenever possible.
For your information...
As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water...
So, if we can use cold water it can save about 85 percent energy...

Don't use air conditioner...
Open your window or open your door if the weather is hot...
You don't need to use air conditioner all the time..
Fresh air also good for our health...
If the weather is cold, don't use heater if it possible..
You can use jacket, sweater or something else to keep you warm...

With turn them off you can save the money..
You can use your money for the other things...

Let's start to life go green from now...
Don't wait because the time won't wait for us...

God Bless you... ^^