Sunday, May 16, 2010

Being Green


Even the cleanest countries have serious environmental problems. For now Finland wins high mark for air and water quality, a low incidence of infant disease, and how well it protects citizens from water pollution and natural disasters. but the country also produces an above-average amount of greenhouses gases, has a large ecological footprint (the mass of land and water needed to sustain the national level of consumption) and contributes significantly to its region's environmental woes..

The reason is....
Finland has the highest industrial energy consumption rate of all five Nordic countries, due largely to its reliance on fuel intensive forestry and quarry industries.
colder winter and lower rainfall in recent years have also had an impact, forcing cuts in the productions of hydroelectricity and boosting - by 15 percent since 2005 - the national appetite for fossil fuels, a major source of greenhouses gases..


To get greener, countries must do more to capitalized on national strengths. Finland, among the world's largest exporters of wind power technology, produces less than one percent of its own electricity via wind power despite average coastal wind speeds of 24 km/hour, this 50 percent stronger than those in the "Wind City" Chicago...

Source: Reader Digest November 2007

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